A New Kind of Network
for Social Service Agencies


Community problems can’t be solved in isolation.

Curandi is a nonprofit mutual benefit membership network dedicated to growing the effectiveness and sustainability of our local social service system.

Curandi helps connect social service agencies in Marion and Polk counties to a growing, local membership network. Curandi provides member agencies with easy-to-use technology – ActivateCare - that automates documentation and improves care coordination to deliver results for clients, families, or neighborhoods. Member agencies receive real-time, data-driven feedback to take action for their own clients and to cooperate rapidly with other agencies on shared care plans.

Network members experience the benefits of collaboration and shared learning to continuously improve client outcomes, strengthen community and lead to real change.

Together we can create better value for everyone.


A Purpose-Driven Network
Supporting Member Success


Your agency serves clients in an evolving, complex environment where multiple systems – housing, health, family, education, social – continuously act and react in nuanced ways.

Navigating a client to a best available inter-connection at any given moment has proven too challenging for the siloed methods of hand-offs and hand-outs, leaving too many individuals and families in the gap.

In Marion and Polk counties, members of Curandi’s nonprofit membership network are finding a better way.

Network members become part of a local, community-wide care team connected by a common platform, Activate Care. Network members define the standards for what they hope to accomplish as individual agencies and as Network collaborators for shared care plans.

Curandi’s role in the mutual benefit network is to keep and support the use of shared information for operational improvements for all members. Curandi collects data, provides feedback, generates customized reports, and makes it easier for Network members to improve and report results for their own agency and for collaborations with other Network members.

This new approach results in a more effective and humane service system for clients and provides reliable, replicable evidence-base that demonstrates value to the donors, government, and payers who fund the system.


The stories behind building better human service systems


Small social service organizations, backbone organizations, community collaboratives, government agencies, funders and payers all have a stake in building a better human service system.